(831) 254-5001 Wendy@snorkelingetc.com

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands are in the heart of Melanesia. Located on the western fringe of the Pacific, north east of Australia, the Solomons comprise of 992 islands. Rich in culture, this pristine paradise is one of the Pacific’s best kept secrets. Only 147, of the 992 islands, are actually inhabited.

The Solomons are uniquely different from the other islands of Melanesia. The island group is refreshingly un-touristy. There are only a handful of small eco-resorts and the area remains undiscovered by most of the world. The Bilikiki is one of the only two live-aboards. The remote location keeps the reefs  pristine and unspoiled.

Located in the famed “Coral Triangle” the Solomon Islands offers incredible marine biodiversity. The nutrient rich waters are home to healthy and vibrant hard and soft corals. Prolific marine life abounds from the tiniest of sea horses to large pelagics.  Water temperature will be in the 82ºF to 85ºF (28º C – 30º C) range.

Besides offering outrageous snorkeling the islands are wonderful to visit.  Solomon Island lifestyle remains very traditional, with a minimal western influence. Solomon Islanders appear shy but are are very friendly.

The native carvings and artwork are outstanding. The artists follow traditional styles, and produce work using ebony, kerosene wood and stone, and the wood carvings are often inlaid with shell.

  • Valid passport and onward ticket required.
  • Citizens from the U.S and Canada do not require a visa. Visitor permits are issued upon arrival.
  • One passport page must be blank for an entry stamp.
  • No vaccinations are required but malaria prophylaxis and/or insect repellent is recommend.

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April 12, 2018