(831) 254-5001 Wendy@snorkelingetc.com

About Us

Who is Snorkeling Etc Inc.?

Hi! My name is Wendy Simon and I’m the Founder and CEO of Snorkeling Etc. Inc.
I’ve been in the travel industry since 1977.  I started my career as a travel agent.  ln 1993 I became a travel agency owner. I co-owned Pacific Harbor Travel for 22 years, which won reader polls for being the “Best Travel Agency in Santa Cruz County”.  For 40+ years I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, sending them to every imaginable destination. I enjoyed professional relationships that often turned into long term friendships.
Throughout my life I’ve been an enthusiastic water lover and independent traveler. I’ve traveled to over 100 countries and wherever there was a reef, I was there!
I started organizing snorkel groups for myself and friends in 2010 unaware I was on a path that would change my life.  The trips went extremely well, so I continued to expand the number of trips I organized.
As time went on, I heard from avid snorkel travelers around the world that there was a huge desire to find trips dedicated to snorkelers.
Fast forward to now.  I devote myself to creating opportunities to snorkel the most stunning, pristine reefs on the planet.
It brings me so much joy to share with wonders of the sea with like-minded travelers.

I enjoy combining my organizational skills as an experienced travel agent with my love and knowledge of the best areas to snorkel. One of the most satisfying aspects of my life’s work are the enduring friendships that are formed on my snorkel trips.

Exploring different cultures is of interest to many of us.  A degree in cultural anthropology deepened my personal knowledge and interest in local communities.  Person to person interactions while traveling are meaningful and shape favorite travel memories!  Whenever possible I will include village visits or culturally interesting stops in our itinerary.

Wendy in the Solomons

Wendy in the Solomon Islands


If I’m not snorkeling, then I’m dreaming of snorkeling.  There is nothing more joyful than moving through swirling schools of fish while colorful soft coral sways beneath me.
I feel strongly about giving back to the ocean, the source of life and so much joy.

The ocean is our largest asset, covering 71% of the earth.  We rely upon our oceans for water, food and air, and for many, their livelihood.  And, our oceans are in peril.
At the rate we are going by 2050, the oceans will contain more plastic than fish by weight.
This startling and sobering statistic has to motivate us to make drastic changes.
Plastic trash, ocean acidification and pollution are all threatening our treasured seas.  Thankfully there are organizations that are fighting a good fight to make changes on a local and global scale.
Snorkeling Etc. Inc supports and contributes to the following non-profit organizations.

  • Plastic Pollution Coalition: A global alliance of individuals, organizations, businesses, and policymakers working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals, waterways and oceans, and the environment.  Single use plastic has got to go.
  • Mission Blue: Mission Blue is an initiative of the Sylvia Earle Alliance to explore and care for the ocean. Mission Blue supports the work of conservation NGOs around the world that share the mission of building public support for ocean protection.
  • Ocean Conservancy: Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., United States. The organization helps formulate ocean policy at the federal and state government levels.  Among other issues they spur action to stop the flow of ocean trash, and champion legislation to reduce carbon dioxide pollution.
  • Surfrider: Founded by surfers, Surfrider is a nonprofit environmental organization with an international network. They are dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network.
  • Heirs to Our Ocean: We need the next generation to continue the fight to protect our oceans. Heirs to our Ocean supports youth leaders involved in ocean conservation. This global movement was formed to raise awareness and motivate change.

I bring my experiences and knowledge to the trips I put together. The only other ingredient that is needed is YOU!  Together we form a snorkel tribe, lovers of the sea and adventure!
I look forward to hearing from you and having an opportunity to meet fin to fin in the near future.

In the spirit of adventure,






Wendy Simon C.T.C
CEO/Expedition Specialist
Snorkeling Etc, Inc.
Santa Cruz, Ca.
cst# 2126958-40