In July 2015, our group of 15 dedicated and enthusiastic snorkelers traveled to the remote region of Fiji called the “Bligh” waters. The luxurious live-aboard Nai’a was our home for 7 nights. Although we had unseasonably cool air and water temps (in the mid-70’s) our hardy group thoroughly enjoyed exploring the reefs for hours at a time.
- Fijian Reefs
- Manta in Fiji
There were many snorkel highlights. Some of my favorite sites were “Unde”naia”able where there were tons of healthy coral and schools of fish. Lots of brightly colored anthias, parrot fish and white tip sharks. Sharks are a welcomed sight as they are a good indication of the health of a reef. “Human Nature” and E6 featured massive reef systems with crevasses and caverns we could swim through and around.
Namena Marine Reserve and Wakaya islands were fantastic. Prolific fish life and many different areas worth exploring. Near Wakaya island we rode the currents like they were an amusement ride over swooping large black Mantas. As we got to the end of the current we jumped back in the zodiacs and started the fun over. At the end of our third Manta “ride” we saw two hammerheads which was quite a thrill.
Fijians are some of the friendliest people on the planet. Our group of snorkelers found that reputation to be absolutely true. The combination of warm and welcoming Fijians and healthy reefs makes Fiji a very special destination.
- Fijian welcome
- Welcome song from Villagers in Fiji
The lovely hosts of the Nai’a, Amanda and Joshua wrote a fun, upbeat review of our snorkel adventure. I’m including the link here if you’d like to read it.
It was so much more than I could have envisioned! Exceeding my expectations is an understatement.
Jean G. July 2015