(831) 254-5001 Wendy@snorkelingetc.com

The bad news was due to Covid and border closures the July 2021 trips to Komodo and Cenderawasih Bay, Indonesia couldn’t operate. The good news was I was able to offer alternative arrangements to Belize. And it turned out to be very, very good news.

Belize was an awesome option for our fully-vaccinated, fully-enthusiastic and so ready to snorkel group. Our passion and perseverance paid off. We had perfect conditions. Calm seas, warm clear water and some incredible underwater encounters. Schools of bar jacks, grunts, snappers. Rays and more rays including southern rays, whiptail rays, yellow rays and fleets of eagle rays.

What a treat and joy to also see huge loggerhead turtles munching on conch shells, a manatee! a seahorse! and even a flyby from two dolphins. And then there were the weird and wonderful critters like the red-lipped batfish, the spotted toadfish and jawfish.

I’m gushing but after so many months away from warm tropical water full of wonderous marine life, can you blame me?

Thank you Aggressor, thank you my wonderful companions. I’m grateful.







August 2021